Multiple Faces

So far we assumed that there is a single face in the image. However, the real power of pychubby lies in its ability to handle multiple faces. Let’s start with the following image.

Original image

If more than one face is detected in an image pychubby uses the LandmarkFaces class rather than LandmarkFace. LandmarkFaces is essentially a container containing LandmarkFace instances for each face in the image.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pychubby.detect import LandmarkFace

img = plt.imread("path/to/the/image")
lfs = LandmarkFace.estimate(img) # lfs is an instance of LandmarkFaces
lfs.plot(show_landmarks=False, show_numbers=True)
Original image

Each face is assigned a unique integer (starting from 0). This ordering is very important since it allows us to specify which action to apply to which face.

In order to apply actions we use the metaaction Multiple. It has two modes:

  1. Same action on each face
  2. Face specific actions

Same action

The first possibility is to apply exactly the same action to each face in the image. Below is an example of making all faces more chubby.

from pychubby.actions import Chubbify, Multiple

a_single = Chubbify(0.2)
a = Multiple(a_single)
new_lfs, df = a.perform(lfs)
new_lfs.plot(show_landmarks=False, show_numbers=False)
Single action image
from pychubby.visualization import create_animation

ani = create_animation(df, img)
Single action gif

Different actions

Alternetively, we might want to apply different action to each face (or potentially no action). Below is an example of face specific actions.

from pychubby.actions import Chubbify, LinearTransform, Multiple, OpenEyes, Pipeline, Smile

a_0 = LinearTransform(scale_x=0.9, scale_y=0.9)
a_1 = Smile(0.14)
a_2 = None
a_3 = Pipeline([OpenEyes(0.05), LinearTransform(scale_x=1.02, scale_y=1.02), Chubbify(0.2)])

a = Multiple([a_0, a_1, a_2, a_3])
new_lfs, df = a.perform(lfs)
new_lfs.plot(show_landmarks=False, show_numbers=False)
Multiple actions image
from pychubby.visualization import create_animation

ani = create_animation(df, img)
Single action gif